Why should I consider hiring NorthStar Management?
NorthStar professionals specialize in all areas of business and provide valuable and timely service to public, private, and institutional organizations. One of the fastest routes to improvement by an organization is through leveraging the power of wisdom of management consultants. NorthStar professionals are constantly upgrading their skills and increasing their knowledge base to ensure that they are the best qualified to assist you in their area of expertise. The NorthStar track record is unsurpassed within the industry.
How do I know that NorthStar Management is the right management consulting choice?
Each situation is different and therefore difficult to apply hard and fast rules for engaging any management consultant. However, NorthStar has a long and successful history of assisting the following types of businesses or organizations.
- Manufacturers
- Distributors
- Assemblers & Fabricators
- Large Footprint Organizations
- Multi-site Organizations
How will NorthStar professionals improve my profitability?
NorthStar encourages clients to take advantage of its premier profitability and cash flow improvement tool, SORT (Strategic Overhead Reduction Tools). Our SORT computer modeling examines selected burden items and compares them with our extensive database of best practices for each area. Areas requiring further examination are quickly identified. While engagements are tailored specifically for each company, most reviews include examinations of energy utilization, shipping, and waste disposal. NorthStar has maintained a success rate greater than 90% in helping companies increase their profitability and cash flow.
How do I assure confidentiality of proprietary information?
All ethical consultants understand the knowledge they gain of client operations during an engagement is confidential and is not to be disclosed outside of the engagement. NorthStar Management is happy to confirm this understanding with the client through Non-Disclosure Agreements.
What should I do to be sure that my company is successful in this effort?
- Inform all associates that will be interacting with NorthStar consultants that Company has engaged NorthStar and explain purpose of the engagement.
- Be sure that everyone supplying information for analysis completes their portion of the assignment and responds quickly to follow-up requests.
- Provide ready access for the consultant to review progress and clarify information.
- Recognize that related issues sometimes surface during such assignments and be prepared to provide guidance regarding those issues.
What are the keys to an accurate evaluation?
Complete, timely, and accurate information is critical to each evaluation. Be sure that every associate that is providing requested information understands and complies with this requirement. NorthStar’s data management tools include a series of checks and balances to help ensure that both NorthStar and the company meet this requirement
How should items that are open issues or beyond the scope of the assignment be handled?
NorthStar encourages you to identify these to the consultant and seek the consultant’s assistance for resolution. All NorthStar professionals are trained to work with you to ensure your understanding of the proposals and the project.
What is my role once the recommendations are complete?
We advise immediate implementation of recommendations before the momentum can be lost in day to day activities. Require periodic progress reports, identifying successes and shortcomings until all work is completed. Call NorthStar if any questions arise that may jeopardize achieving the desired results. Be active and visible in the implementation.